Add-ons / UI Macro

This macro provides users access to parts of the UI and UIBar APIs from macros, and a few other, non-API functions.

Author ChapelR
Story format SugarCube 2
Last checked Mon Jul 22 2024
License Unlicense



This macro provides users access to parts of the UI and UIBar APIs from macros, and a few other, non-API functions.




Syntax: <<ui commandList>>

The <<ui>> macro is a macro-wrapper around some SugarCube APIs, similar in concept to the dialog API macro set. It allows you to control certain UI and UIBar APIs from macro code, and also adds a few extra commands of its own. You can run any number of actions in a single macro call, and they will execute in order. Calling two commands that essentially do the opposite, e.g. stow and unstow in the same <<ui>> macro call won't cause an error but it's also a wash: nothing will happen.


Command List: Some commands have aliases (alternate command names that do the same thing).

Command Alias Description
update refresh, reload Updates all of the UI elements. If you have variables displayed in the UI bar (the StoryCaption, for example), their values will update.
stow Stows (collapses) the UI bar, similar to if the arrow button is pressed.
unstow Unstows the UI bar.
toggle Toggles the stowed state of the UI bar, stowing it if it's unstowed, and unstowing it if it's stowed.
hide Hides the UI bar, but doesn't reclaim the space it normally takes up.
show Unhides the UI bar after it is hidden using the hide command.
kill destroy Hides the UI bar and reclaims the space it normally takes up. This is different from the UI.destroy() method, as this doesn't remove the styles and can be undone.
restore revive Essentially undoes the kill command. It cannot undo a call to UI.destroy().
jump jumpto Opens the jump dialog menu.
saves save, load Opens the saves dialog menu.
settings setting Opens the settings dialog menu.
share sharing Opens the share dialog menu.

⚠️ Tip: The last group of commands above can be used to access UI bar menus without needing the UI bar.


/% create your own save button %/
:: PassageHeader
<<button "Saves">><<ui saves>><</button>>
/% hide the UI bar until the next passage %/
<<ui hide>>
Blah blah blah.
<<link [[Next|next passage]]>>
    <<ui show>>
/% remove the UI bar, but be able to restore it later %/
<<ui kill>>
/% update the player's health %/
:: StoryCaption
$currentHealth / $maxHealth
:: some passage
You took 15 damage!
<<ui update>>

READ: Documentation

Live demo

Demo Twee code:

:: Start
<<button "Hide UI">><<ui hide>><</button>><<button "Show UI">><<ui show>><</button>>
<<button "Show saves menu">><<ui saves>><</button>>