Add-ons / Typing Simulation Macro

Some games, like Superhot, have a neat little feature where you can mash on the keyboard and no matter what you actually type in, a predefined message comes out. This macro provides a similar function to Twine.

Author ChapelR
Story format SugarCube 2
Last checked Tue Apr 20 2021
License Unlicense



📝 Note: As of v2.9.0 of the collection (v2.0.0 of this macro) the <<typesim>> macro is mobile friendly and should work on phones and other devices with software keyboards!

Some games, like Superhot, have a neat little feature where you can mash on the keyboard and no matter what you actually type in, a predefined message comes out. This macro provides a similar function to Twine.




Syntax: <<typesim text>>...<</typesim>>

The <<typesim>> macro creates a text area. When focused, the user's keystrokes generate a predefined message one letter at a time, simulating typing but ignoring the actual input. After the message is finished, any text or code between the macro tags is displayed / run.

📝 Note:

Any output is shown as a <div> beneath the text area; this means you'll need to watch your spacing.


You begin typing the email to your boss:

<<typesim "Hey Jim, I won't be in to work today, sorry.">>[[Send the email.|next passage]]<</typesim>>

Usage notes

Styling Options

The <textarea> generated will just use SugarCube's standard styling. If you want to alter its appearance, it has the class .macro-typesim.


When the typing simulation is finished, the event :type-sim-end is triggered on the document's root. The event object has a message property containing the message that was typed out.

$(document).on(':type-sim-end', function (ev) {
    console.log('Typing simulation message: ', ev.message);

Live demo

Demo Twee code:

:: Start
<<typesim "Hey Jim, I won't be in to work today, sorry.">>Finished.<</typesim>>