Add-ons / Radar Chart

The Radarchart Macro takes in values or a collection to visualise it as a SVG Radarchart which can be further customized via CSS.

Author GwenTastic
Story format SugarCube 2
Last checked Sat Jan 09 2021
License Unlicense



The Radarchart Macro takes in values or a collection to visualise it as a SVG Radarchart which can be further customized via CSS.

Each stat will be it's own axis on the Radarchart going clockwise starting at the upper left corner or middle.

When providing a single stat to the macro it will render a circle. When two stats are provided it will display two half circles. Everything more then two will result in a Poligon of various shapes.


To install this Macro, simply copy the contents of either the Pretty or Minified Radarchart JavaScript into your Story's JavaScript page.





<<radarchart Collection/Name [, Min=value] [, Max=value] [, Size=value]
             [, Useimage] [, Decorsize=value] [, TxtLimit=value]>>
    [<<addstat "name" value>>]
    [<<newgroup "groupname" [groupcolor]>>]
    [<<addcollection collection>>]
    [<<setlabels collection>>]

The Radarchart Macro takes in values or a collection to visualise it as a SVG Radarchart which can be further customized via CSS.

Each stat will be it's own axis on the Radarchart going clockwise starting at the upper left corner or middle.

When providing a single stat to the macro it will render a circle. When two stats are provided it will display two half circles. Everything more then two will result in a Poligon of various shapes.


📝 Note: Keywords spelling does not matter it could be all upper/lower -case and the = can be replaced by any other character eg.: max=20 MIN!5

READ: Documentation



Syntax: <<addstat "name" value>> Optional; Adds an Attribute to the current Group.



Syntax: <<newgroup "groupname" [color]>> Optional; Creates a new Group to be overlayed onto the prior Group, optionally a color in hex can be provided.



Syntax: <<addcollection collection>> Optional; Adds an entire collection.



Syntax: <<setlabels collection>> Optional; Sets the Decor Text, which are by default the stat names.

Supported collections

Done Description Structure
✔️ Arrays: ["name1", value1, "name2", value2]
✔️ Objects: {name1: value1, name2: value2}


Sugarcube Code


Minimal example using an Object.

<<set $player = {
health: 70,
mana: 30,
stamina: 50
<<radarchart "$player">><</radarchart>>

Simple example with single variable Values.

<<set $pHealth = 70>>
<<set $pMana = 30>>
<<set $pStamina = 50>>
<<radarchart "Player">>
    <<addstat "Health" $pHealth>>
    <<addstat "Mana" $pMana>>
    <<addstat "Stamina" $pStamina>>

Simple example with Arrays.

<<set $player = ["Health", 70,
                 "Mana", 30,
                 "Stamina", 50]>>
<<radarchart "$player">><</radarchart>>

Comparing Two Groups.

<<set $player = {Health: 70, Mana: 30, Stamina: 50}>>
<<set $enemy = {Health: 30, Mana: 45, Stamina: 70}>>
<<radarchart "$player">>
    <<newgroup "Enemy" #FF0033>>
    <<addcollection $enemy>>

Comparing Two Groups with set labels.

<<radarchart "Player">>
    <<setlabels "HP" "MP" "SP">>
    <<addstat "Health" 70>>
    <<addstat "Mana" 30>>
    <<addstat "Stamina" 50>>
    <<newgroup "Enemy" #FF0033>>
    <<addstat "Health" 30>>
    <<addstat "Mana" 50>>
    <<addstat "Stamina" 70>>

Using Icons instead.

<<radarchart "Player" useimages>>
    <<addstat "Health" 70>>
    <<addstat "Mana" 30>>
    <<addstat "Stamina" 50>>
    <<newgroup "Enemy" #FF0033>>
    <<addstat "Health" 30>>
    <<addstat "Mana" 50>>
    <<addstat "Stamina" 70>>


The Radarchart Macro creates a SVG with multiple elements each can be targeted by their css ID and/or css Class. All ID's and Classes start with radarchart- followed by their type (id's are singular where as classes are plural)

Classes have no further specification but ID's do get the Stats/Attributes or collections name tagged on after it. So an id for the "health" axis would look like this: radarchart-line-health, where as a class for the axis looks like this: radarchart-lines.

📝 Note: That providing only 2 Stats/Attributes results in two half circles in which the id's get an added -top and -bottom at the end e.g., radarchart-stat-player-top.

Styling examples

Provided the <<radarchart>> gets an object like this: Player{ Health: 70, Mana: 30, Stamina: 50}.

CSS Code


Changing the default color of the player object.

#radarchart-stats-Player {
  stroke: rgba(253, 102, 0, .9);
  fill: rgba(253, 102, 0, .2);

Changing the helper circles.

#radarchart-circle-0 {
  stroke: none;
#radarchart-circle-25 {
  stroke: white;
#radarchart-circle-50 {
  stroke: lime;
  stroke-dasharray: 2, 10;
#radarchart-circle-75 {
  stroke: deepskyblue;
  stroke-dasharray: 15, 5;
#radarchart-circle-100 {
  stroke: rebeccapurple;
  stroke-width: 3;

Changing axis lines.

.radarchart-lines {
  stroke: lime;
  stroke: #FF0011;
  stroke-dasharray: 17, 8;

Mouse hover over player stat.

  transform-origin: center;
  transform-box: fill-box;
  stroke: rgba(253, 102, 0, .9);
  fill: rgba(253, 102, 0, .2);
  stroke-width: 3;
  transform: scale(1.2);
  filter: drop-shadow(5px 5px 4px deepskyblue);

Changing label colors.

  stroke: white;
  stroke-width: 0.2;
  fill: red;
  stroke: white;
  stroke-width: 0.4;
  fill: rebeccapurple;

Assinging images.

#radarchart-decor-Health {
  background-image: url(Images/Heart3.png);
#radarchart-decor-Stamina {
  background-image: url(Images/Stamina2.png);
#radarchart-decor-Magic {
  background-image: url(Images/Magic2.png);

Live demo

Demo Twee code:

:: Start
<<set $str = 40>><<set $dex = 30>><<set $int = 70>><<set $cha = 50>>\
<<radarchart "Player">>
    <<addstat "DEX" $dex>>
    <<addstat "INT" $int>>
    <<addstat "CHA" $cha>>
    <<addstat "STR" $str>>