Add-ons / Click to Proceed

This set of macros/functions aims to provide an easy way to set up content that is revealed bit-by-bit via user interaction.

Author Cyrus Firheir
Story format SugarCube 2
Last checked Wed Feb 24 2021
License Unlicense



This set of macros/functions aims to provide an easy way to set up content that is revealed bit-by-bit via user interaction.

Using nested <<linkreplace>> and <<linkappend>> works, but gets tedious and is often prone to errors. The CTP (Click To Proceed: original-est name ever) macros make it a bit easier by turning them into blocks instead of nests.


If using the Twine desktop/web app, copy contents of click-to-proceed.js to Story JavaScript, and contents of click-to-proceed.css to Story Stylesheet.

If using a compiler like Tweego, drop click-to-proceed.js and click-to-proceed.css to your source folder.

click-to-proceed.twee-config.yaml can also be added to the workspace if using the Twee 3 Language Tools VSCode extension, for macro definitions.

Example usage

See more examples.

<<ctp "testID">>
  This is the first string.
<<ctpNext clear>>
  Second! It cleared the first one out!
<<ctpNext nobr>>
  Third, but with nobr...
<<ctpNext 2s>>
  The fourth shows up 2 seconds late.
<<ctpNext t8n>>
  And the final one. With a transition!

<<link "Next">>
  <<ctpAdvance "testID">>

<<link "Back">>
  <<ctpBack "testID">>




The main CTP macro inside which all content is written.


<<ctp id [keywords]>>

READ: Documentation



To be used inside <<ctp>> to separate the content into blocks.


<<ctpNext [keywords]>>

READ: Documentation



To be used inside <<ctp>> as a block prepended to the chain which is re-evaluated at every <<ctpAdvance>> and <<ctpBack>>. As long as it is inside <<ctp>>, the position does not matter.


<<ctpHead [keywords]>>

READ: Documentation



To be used inside <<ctp>> as a block appended to the chain which is re-evaluated at every <<ctpAdvance>> and <<ctpBack>>. As long as it is inside <<ctp>>, the position does not matter.


<<ctpTail [keywords]>>

READ: Documentation



The 'proceed' part of Click To Proceed... Used to move the train forward and show the next blocks.


<<ctpAdvance id>>

READ: Documentation



Turns back time and goes back one block.


<<ctpBack id>>

READ: Documentation

Macro keywords

Keywords for controlling behavior:

Additional keywords for individual blocks (<<ctpNext>>, <<ctpHead>>, <<ctpTail>>) in a chain (these are used to break out of behavior set by the <<ctp>> macro):

JavaScript usage

The CTP object

The CTP custom object is set up as follows:


var ctpTest = new CTP({
  id: "ctpTest",
  selector: "#ctp-test-id"

The content object

Each entry in the stack of content (plus the head and tail) is stored in an object structured as follows:

var content = {
  index: 0, // whole number [string for "head" and "tail"]
  clear: false, // boolean
  nobr: false, // boolean
  transition: false, // boolean
  delay: 0, // time in milliseconds
  content: "Actual content to be put out to DOM" // string

JavaScript API



Syntax: CTP.getCTP(id [, clone])

Returns a CTP object created with the <<ctp>> macro.



<CTP Object>.add()

<CTP Object>.add()

Syntax: <CTP Object>.add(content [, keywords])

Adds content to the end of the stack and returns the CTP object for chaining.


  .add("This is the first string.")
  .add("Second! It cleared the first one out!", "clear")
  .add("Third, but with nobr...", "nobr")
  .add("And the final one. With a transition!", "t8n");

<CTP Object>.advance()

<CTP Object>.advance()

Syntax: <CTP Object>.advance()

Does the same as <<ctpAdvance>>, moving to the next block. Returns a promise if advanced successfully, undefined otherwise.



<CTP Object>.back()

<CTP Object>.back()

Syntax: <CTP Object>.back()

Does the same as <<ctpBack>>, reverting to the previous blocks. Returns the CTP object for chaining.



<CTP Object>.go()

<CTP Object>.go()

Syntax: <CTP Object>.go(diff)

Jumps to a specific block by the specified number of blocks.


// advance() twice

// go back() twice

<CTP Object>.goTo()

<CTP Object>.goTo()

Syntax: <CTP Object>.goTo(index)

Jumps to a specific block to the specified index of block.


// go to the 5th block

<CTP Object>.entry()

<CTP Object>.entry()

Syntax: <CTP Object>.entry(index [, noT8n])

Returns the HTML output for a single block at the index passed into it.



// Assuming ctpTest is the same as in the previous examples, this returns:
// <span class="macro-ctp-entry macro-ctp-entry-index-2">Third, but with nobr...</span>

<CTP Object>.out()

<CTP Object>.out()

Syntax: <CTP Object>.out()

Returns the HTML string output for setting up the chain with the structure and the first block.

NOTE: This does NOT return the contents of the head and tail. That needs to be done manually (see second example.)



/* Returns:
* <span class="macro-ctp-wrapper">
*  <span class="ctp-head"></span>
*  <span class="ctp-body">
*    <span class="macro-ctp-entry macro-ctp-entry-index-0">
*      Content
*    </span>
*  </span>
*  <span class="ctp-tail"></span>
* </span>
  .find(".macro-ctp-wrapper .ctp-head").wiki(CTP.item(ctpTest.head))

/* Returns:
* <span class="macro-ctp-wrapper">
*  <span class="ctp-head">
* 		Head content
* </span>
*  <span class="ctp-body">
*    <span class="macro-ctp-entry macro-ctp-entry-index-0">
*      Content
*    </span>
*  </span>
*  <span class="ctp-tail">
* 		Tail content
* 	</span>
* </span>


Chain where the Back and Next buttons hide when not needed

<<ctp "testID">>
  <<set _ctp to CTP.getCTP("testID")>>
  This is the first string.
  <<if _ctp.log.index gt 0>>
    <<button "Back">>
      <<ctpBack "testID">>
<<ctpNext clear>>
  Second! It cleared the first one out!
<<ctpNext nobr>>
  Third, but with nobr..
<<ctpNext 500ms>>
  The fourth shows up half a second late.
<<ctpNext t8n>>
  And the final one. With a transition!
  <<if _ctp.log.index lt _ctp.stack.length - 1>>
    <<button "Next">>
      <<ctpAdvance "testID">>

Complete usage

State.variables.ctpTest = new CTP({
  id: "ctpTest",
  selector: "#ctp-test-id"

  .add("This is the first string.")
  .add("Second! It cleared the first one out!", "clear")
  .add("Third, but with nobr...", "nobr")
  .add("And the final one. With a transition!", "t8n");

In Passage:

<div id="#ctp-test-id">
  <<= $ctpTest.out()>>

<<link "Advance">>
  <<run $ctpTest.advance()>>
  <!-- Because $ctpTest was created manually, using the <<ctpAdvance>>
    macro won't work. To be able to use <<ctpAdvance>>, the CTP object
    needs to be set as a property of State.variables["#macro-ctp-dump"]
    as that is what is used internally to store CTP objects created via
    the macros. -->

Live demo

Demo Twee code:

:: Start
<<ctp "testID">>
  Click next to show a new line of text.
  Click again to reveal the next line... after 2 seconds.
<<ctpNext 2s>>
  Now click again to reveal more text in this line.
<<ctpNext nobr>>
  The next one will clear the text.
<<ctpNext clear>>
  That is all.
<<link "Next">>
  <<ctpAdvance "testID">>
<<link "Back">>
  <<ctpBack "testID">>